Jason Bourne 2016

Oh gosh, Jason Bourne is back! Being a big fan of the Bourne film series, I’m beyond excited to see this. The last installment, The Bourne Legacy, was quite bland for my taste.  So I’m hoping this upcoming movie will be just as phenomenal as the previous ones with Matt Damon as the lead character—or even more.

Opens this July!

Here’s the first official trailer:

Balintawak Eskrima Rough Sparring

The title pretty much says it all. Just one of those Balintawak Eskrima sparring sessions we do in class. Although, this is a bit more intense than the others. We fight dirty like in the streets. It may not be beautiful nor graceful but it’s as real as it can get. My adrenaline really went through the roof and I was exhausted afterwards! Good cardio. #BeastMode

What do you think of the video? Let me know in the comments! 😉

On Doing Push-Ups: Push it, Push it Some More

Push up Tina Fey


Looking back at my life when I was still a certified couch potato, I’m definitely much stronger now. And though I’m physically active, I’m still not strong enough to do regular push-ups properly and struggle-free. It’s really aggravating. Grrrr!

But this Girl Does Push-ups For 100 Days video below is very inspiring. She’s incredible! Makes me want to also do a 100-day push-up challenge:

Oh, push-up, why are you so mahirap (tough)?! If she can do it, I can, too! Bye now.

Media Lab Breaks Down Your Favorite Hollywood Fight Scenes

Currently loving this new Internet TV series, Media Lab. They feature fight scenes from various movies and TV shows; dissect them piece by piece and re-enact the scene to determine if they’re realistic or not. The host, Dom Raso, is a former US Navy SEAL with 12 years of experience—so he must really know what he’s talking about.

In this particular episode below, Dom explains the importance of proper mindset, visualization and preparation amidst a fight or conflict.

Noticed how Wing Chun kinda resembles empty hand fighting of Filipino martial arts (Arnis / Kali / Eskrima)? Pretty cool!

Coming soon are scenes from The Bourne Legacy and The Bourne Supremacy. Yay! 😀

Balintawak Eskrima: Street Training and Stick Sparring with Combat Kali Manila

Combat Kali Manila Balintawak Street Training

Tired but happy. Goofy but deadly.

Another fun-filled Filipino martial arts (Balintawak Eskrima) street training with my amazing teammates at Combat Kali Manila. It’s summer time here in the Philippines but we didn’t mind the scorching heat and humidity–not to mention the dust, dirt and uneven ground. Watch the video below; choose HD quality:

Outdoor training is always refreshing, very much different from the four corners and matted floors of the gym we’re used to. Hopefully, we’d be able to train on a pristine beach someday. That’d be lovely!

How about you, what’s your Kali training situation like? Do you train indoors or outdoors? Cheers and happy training! 😉

Filipino Martial Arts Weapon: Doug Marcaida’s The DART Knife

One of my idols in Filipino Martial Arts, Doug Marcaida now designs edged weapons for FOX Knives Italy. The video below is part of what he calls the DARK (Direct Action Response Knives) series.

Can I just say, Yum?! The DART knife is so sexy cool. I like that it has a ring feature found in karambits. And it’s a straight blade not curved. It can also be used as an impact weapon when closed. Awesome! Watch below.

“A knife is only as good as its availability in the time of need.” – Doug Marcaida

UPDATE as of February 20, 2014:

Continue reading

Street Weapons: What Can You/Should You Carry?

Top 3 things I learned from this video and I quote from Luke Holloway:

“Training with compliancy creates complacency, and that shit can get you killed.”

“It’s all about awareness and improvisational skills.”

“It doesn’t matter what you carry, it’s how you use it.”

Very well said! Amen.

Check out Luke’s blog post about Street Weapons for a more detailed explanation.

Chatri Sityodtong’s TEDTalk On How Martial Arts Can Help Achieve Greatness in Life

Wow, I’m glad I came across this very inspiring TEDTalk by Chatri Sityodtong. I have to admit I didn’t know who this guy is minutes ago. Thanks to Google, now I know how incredible he is in Muay Thai (martial arts in general) and in business. 😉

In the video, he talked about how martial arts can transform people to be better/greater. And that martial arts is not about fighting and violence. It’s about taking risks and constantly improving. Just watch the video. It’s worth your 17 minutes! 😀

“Martial arts is the greatest platform to unleash human potential.” – Chatri Sityodtong