Arnis, Kali, Eskrima Training Tips: How to Have an Effective and Enjoyable Filipino Martial Arts Training

Short answer: Train hard, play hard. For the long answer, check out my Arnis, Kali, Eskrima training tips below:

Be patient

Slow progress is progress

Learning takes time. People progress differently. Some adapt quickly while others take quite a while. It doesn’t matter what your learning pace is, as long as you’re not giving up. That being said, never compare yourself to others. Don’t be frustrated when you don’t get the techniques right away or as fluidly as you’d hoped. You can always try again, which leads me to…

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New Year’s Resolutions

Top 10 New Year

by abbyryandesign. Infographics by Visually.

“What’s your New Year’s resolution?” Oh my, such a cliché! I can almost picture various TV show hosts asking their unsuspecting guests this timely question. Déjà vu? Yeah, that’s because we’ve all been asked the same thing year after year.

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