Balintawak Eskrima Rough Sparring

The title pretty much says it all. Just one of those Balintawak Eskrima sparring sessions we do in class. Although, this is a bit more intense than the others. We fight dirty like in the streets. It may not be beautiful nor graceful but it’s as real as it can get. My adrenaline really went through the roof and I was exhausted afterwards! Good cardio. #BeastMode

What do you think of the video? Let me know in the comments! 😉

Street Harassment Has to Stop or Make It


I just read an article about a Filipina traveler who got sexually harassed on the street while traveling in a foreign country I’d rather not mention. Apparently, after groping the poor girl, the perpetrators (yes, plural) left laughing.

Grrrrrrr!!!! My blood boils with wrath! I feel like slashing someone’s throat right now, preferably those fuckers who assaulted her.

If I ever find myself in that kind of predicament, I pray to the Universe that I’d have the opportunity to AT LEAST break my assailant’s arm and kick his groin.


Stay safe everyone. And yes, that’s why learning some type of self-defense like Filipino martial arts is important. It’s better to know it and not need it than need it and not know it. Read: FMA as a great self-defense tool.

This was just supposed to be a tweet, but 140-characters are not enough to voice out my fury rant.

Mad Girl

I’m gonna smash you!

Ok, thanks, bye!

Filipino Martial Arts: Balintawak Eskrima Sparring

Master V Spar 1 1

Master V Spar 1 2

Master V Spar 1 empty hand

Photo credit:

I can’t help but share this Balintawak Eskrima gif of our master, Master Virgil Cavada (Applied Eskrima Global). If I’m not mistaken, they’re practicing Spar 1. Just awesome!

Now I’m getting more and more excited-scared of our upcoming training with Master V in Cebu early next year! 😀

Balintawak Eskrima Practice Sparring

I’m usually rattled when I’m pressured. But I’d like to believe I’m a diamond in the rough. So I accept all the polishing and pressuring needed to become a stronger, better fighter. In the end, win or lose, I’ll still emerge a champ.

Sharing to you a quick Balintawak Eskrima sparring session with my Filipino martial arts teacher, Guro Jeric Pantaleon of Applied Eskrima. Pardon my haggardness!

Yes, my face, my face! 😀

Filipino Martial Arts Seminar 2014: Balintawak Eskrima and Close Quarter Combat

Imagine this: Two world-famous Balintawak eskrima teachers under one roof for two whole days.

Stop dreaming now! Wish granted. Yay!

Master Virgil Cavada of Applied Eskrima Global and Grandmaster Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak will conduct a 2-day Filipino martial arts seminar on close quarter combat and Balintawak style of Arnis, Kali, Eskrima at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts on December 6 and 7, 2014.

Yes, you read that right. Two Balintawak celebrities. Once in a lifetime event. Must book now.

Please check out the poster below for more details.

Master Virgil Cavada and GM Nene Gaabucayan Balintawak Seminar 2014Master Virgil Cavada and GM Nene Gaabucayan Balintawak Seminar 2014 Continue reading

DMaX Karambit Neck Knife by Doug Marcaida

DMaX Karambit

I’m in love… ❤ with this karambit neck knife! What a precious piece of jewelry-weapon! Part of the DARK (Direct Action Response Knives) series, this DMaX karambit neck knife was designed by the karambit expert himself, Doug Marcaida. He collaborated with Max Venom to come up with this sweet sweet gem.

Watch the video below to find out more about DMax. It’s quite graphic, so proceed with caution:

More about using DMax:

Order it here: DMaX Karambit

Filipino Martial Arts: Use of Improvised Weapons

Improvised Weapons

Sadly, in spite of Filipino martial arts’ popularity in the West, many people still have this misconception that Arnis / Kali / Eskrima is all about two people whacking rattan sticks at each other. For the benefit of those un/misinformed, I’ll say it again—Kali or Arnis or Eskrima is much more than just stickfighting.

The stick is just a symbol of any potential weapon, which can be bladed or edged, blunt or impact weapons, and of course, improvised weapons. Umbrella, pen, handkerchief, magazine/book are just some of the many improvised weapons that you can utilize for self-defense. You can easily understand how to use everyday objects as weapons/tools by determining/recognizing their attributes.

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Animated Short Film Using Filipino Martial Arts (Arnis, Kali, Eskrima)

We’ve already seen plenty of Filipino martial arts fight scenes in Hollywood. What about in animated films, you ask? I’m not aware of any that’s popular. But look what I stumbled upon. Below is an animated short film featuring Filipino martial arts (Arnis, Kali, Eskrima).

Not my own words but quoted from the animator’s Vimeo account:

“It has been said that a fighter fights for himself but a warrior fights for his people. Three Filipino warriors fought against the oppression of the Spanish regime in the late 19th century. They come from different backgrounds – a man from a line of chieftains conquered centuries ago; a woman with the conqueror’s blood in her veins rejected by her family of privilege; and a young man from a land across the sea fighting for his new home. Now the three find themselves in a new time. A time where the Philippines is a free nation. A time when the Philippines is as enslaved as ever. Their eyes have seen oppression. They still see it and they act in the only way they can. They fight.”

“Background notes: Very rarely do action films in the Philippines feature traditional Filipino martial arts like ‘arnis’ and ‘eskrima’ and this is why we made our own. The 19th century fighters represent three types of Filipino martial arts: pre-Hispanic, Hispanic influenced and Chinese influenced. These styles are represented by the characters’ weapons – a Kampilan sword, Spanish daggers, and a rope dart, respectively. All three now find themselves fighting a different war, a more ambiguous war, perhaps, in present day Manila.”

Must watch!

I have a few animator friends who do foreign animated TV shows. I really hope to see them incorporate action scenes using Filipino martial arts someday, if given a creative call/chance. That’d be spectacular!

Oh, here’s Arnold Arre’s (the animator behind this awesome film) blog post about the making of and more notes about Lakas ng Lahi. Kudos and more power to you, Arnold! Thanks for showcasing our indigenous warrior art! 🙂

Arnis, Kali, Eskrima: Love @ 1st Strike

It’s amazing how fast time flies when you’re enjoying! I can’t believe it’s already been a year (1 year and 1 month to be exact) since I first held my Eskrima sticks and got introduced to Filipino martial arts. It was love at first strike. Cheesy but true, nonetheless.

I’m sure I’ve improved immensely since then. Though, I still shriek and panic at times. And I still have a million things to learn! For now, let me share a few things I’ve gained/discovered/learned so far in my 1st anniversary as a Kali practitioner (soon-to-be super spy and zombie assassin):

Patience – I mentioned the importance of being patient in my previous blog post, How to Have an Effective and Enjoyable Filipino Martial Arts Training. I have a confession to make. I used to be impatient and bratty when I don’t get the lesson right away. I still regress sometimes. But I’m doing my best to not lose my cool over a specific technique. Bear with me, people!


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Arnis, Kali, Eskrima Training Tips: How to Have an Effective and Enjoyable Filipino Martial Arts Training

Short answer: Train hard, play hard. For the long answer, check out my Arnis, Kali, Eskrima training tips below:

Be patient

Slow progress is progress

Learning takes time. People progress differently. Some adapt quickly while others take quite a while. It doesn’t matter what your learning pace is, as long as you’re not giving up. That being said, never compare yourself to others. Don’t be frustrated when you don’t get the techniques right away or as fluidly as you’d hoped. You can always try again, which leads me to…

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