Filipino Martial Arts Seminar 2014: Balintawak Eskrima and Close Quarter Combat

Imagine this: Two world-famous Balintawak eskrima teachers under one roof for two whole days.

Stop dreaming now! Wish granted. Yay!

Master Virgil Cavada of Applied Eskrima Global and Grandmaster Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak will conduct a 2-day Filipino martial arts seminar on close quarter combat and Balintawak style of Arnis, Kali, Eskrima at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts on December 6 and 7, 2014.

Yes, you read that right. Two Balintawak celebrities. Once in a lifetime event. Must book now.

Please check out the poster below for more details.

Master Virgil Cavada and GM Nene Gaabucayan Balintawak Seminar 2014Master Virgil Cavada and GM Nene Gaabucayan Balintawak Seminar 2014 Continue reading

Filipino Martial Arts Seminar in Manila: Master Virgil Cavada of Applied Eskrima (Balintawak Style)

Applied Eskrima Global

My Combat Kali Manila teammates and I had been extremely excited for Master Virgil Cavada’s 2-day Filipino martial arts seminar. Master Virgil, or Master V as he is fondly called by most, is my teacher’s Balintawak Eskrima teacher. He’s part of our lineage that traces all the way back to Grandmasters Crispulo Atillo and Venancio “Anciong” Bacon.

So the big day came! Time to meet and learn from a renowned Filipino martial arts master, who travels across the globe to teach his system, Applied Eskrima. And whose first student is Dan Inosanto. Oh my God, I can’t get over it. I’m still on a high until now.

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Tim Waid Seminar 2014 in Singapore

I’ve been waiting for ages for a Filipino martial arts seminar like this, particularly by Tuhon Tim Waid. I’m such a big fan! I don’t care that Grand Tuhon Supremo Leo Gaje, Jr. “expelled” or “disowned” him. That’s a totally different (and sensitive and controversial) story to tackle.

Anyway, if time (got a lot so far) and budget (got minimal) permit, I’d definitely fly over to Singapore to join his seminar. Shout out to the Universe to give me more projects to work on so I can fund this dream-come-true trip. Really soon hopefully because the slots are limited!

Meanwhile, here’s a video of Tuhon Tim Waid doing a demonstration of some advanced knife defense tactics:

UPDATE as of July 16, 2014:

Fortunately, I didn’t attend this knife tactics seminar. It turns out, Tuhon Tim Waid didn’t make it to the seminar due to an emergency. I’m sure the proxy instructor did well. But if I were one of the participants who’s flown all the way from the Philippines just to see Tuhon Tim Waid in action–and learn from him, I’d be very devastated about this news. #JustSaying

Time Travel Tuesday: Filipino Martial Arts Seminar with Guro Mumbakki

Mumbakki Seminar Group Pic

It was September 21, 2013. I’ll never forget that day. Guro Daniel “Mumbakki” Foronda, chief instructor of the Russian special forces and one of the featured Filipino Martial artists in The Bladed Hand, visited our team to conduct a brief FMA seminar/training.

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