Filipino Martial Arts Seminar 2014: Balintawak Eskrima and Close Quarter Combat

Imagine this: Two world-famous Balintawak eskrima teachers under one roof for two whole days.

Stop dreaming now! Wish granted. Yay!

Master Virgil Cavada of Applied Eskrima Global and Grandmaster Nonato “Nene” Gaabucayan of NNG Balintawak will conduct a 2-day Filipino martial arts seminar on close quarter combat and Balintawak style of Arnis, Kali, Eskrima at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts on December 6 and 7, 2014.

Yes, you read that right. Two Balintawak celebrities. Once in a lifetime event. Must book now.

Please check out the poster below for more details.

Master Virgil Cavada and GM Nene Gaabucayan Balintawak Seminar 2014Master Virgil Cavada and GM Nene Gaabucayan Balintawak Seminar 2014 Continue reading

Kali Training: Expectations Vs. Reality

Expectation Vs. Reality #1: Fight like Jason Bourne
The Bourne Identity

Action star wannabes perhaps want to learn Kali to fight like Jason Bourne. Sure, why not? I’m guilty of this, too. But remember, while The Bourne Identity was based on Filipino martial arts, the fight scenes there were choreographed. Real life scenarios are different. And he’s a fictional character! While you may not become as badass as Jason Bourne, you can be a great Filipino martial artist through many years of regular training and hard work. You’ll learn many practical techniques and become a good fighter.

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