Balintawak Eskrima Rough Sparring

The title pretty much says it all. Just one of those Balintawak Eskrima sparring sessions we do in class. Although, this is a bit more intense than the others. We fight dirty like in the streets. It may not be beautiful nor graceful but it’s as real as it can get. My adrenaline really went through the roof and I was exhausted afterwards! Good cardio. #BeastMode

What do you think of the video? Let me know in the comments! 😉

Carbo-Cardio Combo

Bad mood
You know that annoying feeling when you’re not in the mood for no apparent reason? I hate that feeling! Fortunately, I have an all-inclusive, go-to solution to it: Working out (the harder, the better). So when I was a bit out sorts a few days ago, I knew what I had to. It’s carbo-cardio loading time!

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