Street Harassment Has to Stop or Make It


I just read an article about a Filipina traveler who got sexually harassed on the street while traveling in a foreign country I’d rather not mention. Apparently, after groping the poor girl, the perpetrators (yes, plural) left laughing.

Grrrrrrr!!!! My blood boils with wrath! I feel like slashing someone’s throat right now, preferably those fuckers who assaulted her.

If I ever find myself in that kind of predicament, I pray to the Universe that I’d have the opportunity to AT LEAST break my assailant’s arm and kick his groin.


Stay safe everyone. And yes, that’s why learning some type of self-defense like Filipino martial arts is important. It’s better to know it and not need it than need it and not know it. Read: FMA as a great self-defense tool.

This was just supposed to be a tweet, but 140-characters are not enough to voice out my fury rant.

Mad Girl

I’m gonna smash you!

Ok, thanks, bye!

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