Arnis, Kali, Eskrima Training Tips: How to Have an Effective and Enjoyable Filipino Martial Arts Training

Short answer: Train hard, play hard. For the long answer, check out my Arnis, Kali, Eskrima training tips below:

Be patient

Slow progress is progress

Learning takes time. People progress differently. Some adapt quickly while others take quite a while. It doesn’t matter what your learning pace is, as long as you’re not giving up. That being said, never compare yourself to others. Don’t be frustrated when you don’t get the techniques right away or as fluidly as you’d hoped. You can always try again, which leads me to…


Sparring girls

There’s no other way to learn and excel but to practice regularly. So show up during training whenever possible. Find time to train no matter how busy you are. Aren’t we all, anyway? And when you train, go hard—without neglecting safety to avoid injuring yourself and others. Don’t forget solo training drills at home, too.


Observer Sherlock

You learn a lot just by watching. Scrutinize how your guro and or teammates execute the techniques. When you do, you become more thorough and detail-oriented. Plus, questions will come naturally to you when you’re a keen observer, which leads me to…

Ask questions

Questions Dr Seuss

No matter how trivial or silly you think it is, go ahead and ask your Arnis, Kali, Eskrima teacher or teammate. You learn from your teacher and teammates and vice versa. The more you ask and discuss, the more you discover. Don’t just take whatever is taught or given as is. When in doubt, guess what? Ask!


Google glass Ellen

Can’t train today? Browse Filipino martial arts related articles and blogs instead. If you’re reading this, congratulations, you’re on the right track! 😉 Yes, watch those Kali documentaries and videos on YouTube. If you really want to learn more about FMA, then look up stuff about it. You’ll be surprised of the vast amount of information available on the web—from history, culture, different styles and systems, etc. Google it. Click, click, click!


Yoga by the beach

While cross-training in other martial arts or sports isn’t absolutely necessary, it’s highly recommendable if you want to become a more dynamic, multifaceted practitioner. And you know, just to spice things up a bit. When I’m not training in Filipino martial arts, I do boxing, Muay Thai and yoga on the side. I love this article by Guro Mike Pana of Bayani Warrior: The Best Sports for FMA Guys to Cross-train In.

Again, just have fun and enjoy the journey! It’s going to be a long and maybe an infinite one, so you might as well revel in it.

How about you? How do you ensure your Kali training is effective yet still enjoyable? I’d love to know! Feel free to share in the comments section below. Cheers! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Arnis, Kali, Eskrima Training Tips: How to Have an Effective and Enjoyable Filipino Martial Arts Training

  1. Yeah I agree with the last part, I think its good to mix your training up a bit, so you don’t get to stuck on one thing…

  2. Pingback: My Filipino Martial Arts Journey So Far: Updates and Goals |

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